The Way Station's volunteers, and many local agencies and individuals, are supporting a cold weather shelter hosted on-site at Nativity Lutheran Church at 15 Grove St, North Conway (across from the Gibson Center) from this Fri, Jan 14 @ 3pm through Mon, Jan 17 (at least). Meals, cots, and basic shelter will be provided day and night. (No showers, as the church doesn't have such amenities.)
Seeking **support volunteers** to assist supervisors (also all volunteers) in 8-hour shifts (day and/or nights) throughout the weekend. We need at least 2 people for every shift; we have skilled supervisors, need second person to make coffee, keep an eye on things, and be present.
Temps will be dangerous and we're providing an option for homeless and at-risk neighbors who need a safe place to find sanctuary. If you want to help, email: pastornathan@nativitylutheranchurch.org with your name, email, phone number and what days/times this weekend you're available to assist.