CONWAY (excerpt from full article) — Winter’s coming, and the need for winterized sleeping bags, tents and tarps is in high demand, say officials from the Way Station...
“We know of dozens of people who are sheltering in tents and maybe eight or nine who live in their cars, some of whom are elderly. We need sleeping bags that are good for colder temperatures and tents and tarps,” said Way Station Programming Director/Client Coodinator Dan Lavigne on Monday morning as he and Development Director Karen Albert gathered at the North Conway facility to accept a $1,855 check from the Hale’s Location Homeowners Association.
The money will go toward supporting the non-profit’s mission of providing food and supplies to the homeless or those who need a hand in meeting their basic household needs... (continued)
I know plenty of homeless people, I have given probably 8 people rides to the waystation for help. I'm amazed at how good they have been to help the homeless with tents, sleeping bags, camping supplies like head lamps, pots and pans, utensils. They have even given out cell phones and phone cards, gas cards, laundry cards, gloves, food, a place to get your mail, clothes. It's nice to know there are people who care about the people in this town and help them how ever they can to get up on there feet again. I don't think the town appreciates just what these people are doing in this town to do there part. I believe this gentleman's name is…