OSSIPEE ROUND TABLE RESOURCE FAIR: Ossipee Town Hall, Thursday, May 9th, 5-7pm
Way Station will be one of the many agencies of Ossipee Round Table at this celebration event, commemorating the 5th anniversary of the group since its first meeting.
(Flyer attached that can go on the website, I also attached the donation letter giving a blurb about what the Round Table does)
WALMART: Saturday, May 11th, 8am-12noon.
As the 2023-2024 Carroll County Cold Weather Emergency Shelter Program ends, Way Station asks the community for support during a Day Of Collection at Walmart North Conway, on Saturday May 11, 2024 8:00am - 12:00noon.
Working with the NH Department of Health and Human Services and Agencies in Carroll County, Way Station completed a successful Cold Weather Program sheltering individuals over the winter - keeping them safe and warm during critical weather events and freezing cold temperatures.
It is now time to restock the Way Station shelves with essential supplies and non perishable food to meet basic needs for the members of the community who are housing insecure. We appreciate all the support, donations and items given on this day.
We could not do the work we do, without the support of our community.
Thank you!
VALLEY FOOD FIGHT: Tuesday, June 4th, 4pm
Help Chef Carrigan Fill Her Lunchbox for Way Station!
Valley Food Fight - Mount Washington Valley Promotions presents to you, Valley Food Fight – Season 3! 8 chefs will represent 8 Valley Promotions Member Organizations, hoping to win a $500 prize! The theme for this season will be "School Lunchbox Meal". Come support Sue as she raises funds and awareness for Way Station! Donations appreciated: https://www.waystationnh.org/ Spectators are always welcome!
Come support Way Station and cheer on Sue Carrigan as she Fights to Win the 2024 Valley Food Fight on Tuesday June 4th!
Photo: Left to Right: Dan Lavigne, Way Station Client Coordinator, Sue Carrigan, Way Station Volunteer and Valley Food Fight Chef, Rotary Club of North Conway members Dave and Bob who volunteered to build the donated shelves, and Stephanie Stepanauskas - Way Station client outreach volunteer.